All Mums Have A Birth Story

Here are some of yours

Emerald’s Birth

While pregnant with our first baby, I read over 20 books on pregnancy and childbirth; spoke to many women about their birth experiences; attended classes and seminars; and watched documentaries including an excellent summary of birth choices, The Face of Birth. With an unwavering belief of a woman’s ability to conceive, gestate, birth and feed […]

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Jaimee’s Story

Because of my medical background (Remote Area Nurse), I have never considered having a homebirth – it had always seemed too risky with too much at stake. And yet that’s exactly where our fourth baby was born – in the comfort of our home with our other children (aged 9,7 and 4) present. They took […]

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Amanda’s Story

Giving birth to my beautiful baby boy was one of the most rewarding and special moments of my life. It is something I am immensely proud of. Proud of myself and of my baby – we had both worked so hard! Our labour is something I will never forget and I am grateful for the […]

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Selina’s VBAC Birth Story

I had an emergency caesarean with my first baby Oliver due to fetal distress. I went in for my 41 week check up at the hospital, had an induction date booked and was then put on the fetal monitor to check how Oliver was going. He was fine the whole time until they were about […]

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Kristie’s Home Birth Story

I realised that I had not been feeling well since I woke up from my nap, and I had noticed I had some blood stained mucous discharge for a few hours.  The frequency at which I needed to wee also increased, which was amazing since I didn’t think it could get any more frequent.  Even […]

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A New Mum’s Story

My birth story is a little bit different from others to come out of the Launceston Birth Centre.  I wasn’t really interested in a home birth.  Not sure why but for the first time I thought the hospital would be the best option for me.  I really wanted to have a strong support person who […]

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What’s your birth story?

If you have a story you'd like to share please feel free to get in touch with us.
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