All Mums Have A Birth Story

Here are some of yours

Molly’s Birth Story

We chose to have a home birth and it was the best decision we ever made. My due date came and went as it does for so many other expectant mothers. At 41+2 weeks I woke at about 5am with period like cramping. They were coming in waves, not overly regular but enough to make […]

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Carmen’s Birth Story

Dear Aya, My pregnancy with you was mostly very easy. Discovering your presence in my body in July 2019 filled me with excitement and happiness.  Very early on I began exploring the options for where to give birth and discovered there was a birth centre here in Launceston – the oldest independently run one in […]

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Olly’s Birth Story

Olly was born on International Midwives’ Day 2012. My husband, Olly and I had the perfect labour and birth for us. It was the ultimate experience in healing, faith, love, empowerment, fulfilment, patience and inner awakening. From conception and beyond, I felt intense gratitude for being privileged with the ability to grow and birth our […]

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Melina’s 2 VBAC Birth Stories

Eden’s Birth Story A bit about my story first. My son, born January 2007, was an elective c-section as I didn’t believe that I could give birth naturally. When he was 4 months old, I realised what a huge mistake I had made, and that my next birth would be a natural birth. I fell pregnant […]

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Priya’s Birth As Told By Her Dad

Labor started happening while Daniel was blissfully asleep. At 2:20am. – Daniel woken up. Contractions around 5 minutely, assured they were not Braxton Hicks. Someone said “Let’s try and sleep for a bit, you know, get some rest while we can. I can remember a midwife saying this…” Two idiots lying like adrenalin-filled time bombs, […]

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Caroline’s Birth Story

When I caught up with my midwife Monday morning, little did I know that I would be seeing her again later that night.  All afternoon I just couldn’t sit still, I mentioned to my husband that I was feeling “crampy” and being 41+ weeks had me noticing every little change in my body and I […]

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What’s your birth story?

If you have a story you'd like to share please feel free to get in touch with us.
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